Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm with stupid.

I fucked up. Big time.

And that pisses me off. Big time.

I did something i knew perfectly well that i shouldn't, and it all went as bad as it possibly could have and i have no one to blame but myself.

That hurts.

Seeing as i don't drink, all i got is loud stupid music.

Hopefully louder and stupider than me.

The Dead Weather it is then.

Not that the music is any dumber than a bunch of stuff out of Rage Against The Machine, but the video for "Treat Me Like Your Mother" is about as pointlessly aggressive as you're likely to find on a Sunday afternoon.

To be honest i have not a damn clue what the song is about, and seeing as the band wrote each of the songs on the album in half a day or less, there's no saying the band members know too much about it either.

Frankly i don't care, you already know it's Jack Whites side project and it's what i need right fucking now.

i'm gonna get my black leather jacket.
